Our newest project to be undertaken is based in Moscow , Russia, It is a Ayurveda Wellness Center spread across an area of about 45 hectors. All this exposure has led to open doors to million job opportunities pan India and overseas. This was to put forward a proposal towards your organisation that we would wish to train and educate the needy (and not an orphan, we don't count anyone as one!) in the Beauty and Spa Courses that we have designed for a specific time span as per the designed course.
A proper batch wise system with a specialized course designed as per our expert trainers shall be offered to every other interested girl wanting to built her career in this Industry. In the recent years JCKRC has managed to accomplish its desired goals which has led to this thought of stretching out and giving our valuable contribution to this sector. Its our dearly wish to impart the knowledge of beauty and Spa Industry to these girls and provide them a specific direction in their life to help achieve their dreams. We plan to organize training with theory and practicals after which a as they pass the respective course, they shall be obliged with assured jobs in our sector.We have maintained a standard of our clients through out and hence we have reputed base of clients to be placed for jobs.(Our presentation shall fetch all the necessary information regarding the same.) I suggest you to kindly schedule for a meeting on a mutually convenient time so that we can discuss about our association with "AASRA"in detail. Looking forward for a positive reply.
Regards, Welfare development for the Underprivileged. JCKRC Spa Destination Pvt. Ltd. Time: 10am- 5pm Tel: 022 27757531/32
-- JCKRC Spa Destination Pvt Ltd www.jckrc.com www.caressaa.com Office No-022-27757532 Fax No- 022-27757531 Mobile No # +919167284184
nice venture in prospect, hope things take off well... all the best.