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Monday, September 14, 2020

Happy 22nd Foundation Day Aasra


#Happy22ndFoundationDayAasra (13thSept1998-2020 and many more to come )Helping the depressed and suicidal cope with LIFE
10THSEPTEMBER2020 "Working together to prevent suicide"

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

IASP RELEASES STEP CLOSER: A World Suicide Prevention Day Awareness Film 
 <iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
IASP is excited to share with our members and subscribers; Step Closer: A World Suicide Prevention Day Awareness Film. Step Closer is a short film aimed at raising awareness and encouraging connections. The film forms the basis of our campaign over World Suicide Prevention Day and leading up to World Mental Health Day on the 10th October. It is available for all to download and share to raise awareness with a positive message: that we all have a role to play in working together to prevent suicide. Please access the full press release and social media toolkit for further details on what you can do to get involved. 
 #AASRA24X7HELPLINEFORDEPRESSEDSUICIDAL919820466726 #WorldSuicidePreventionWeek #aasraSuicidePrevention24x7Helpline #BefriendersWorldwide #SamaritansUK #IASP #UN #WHO #AFSP #INFOTES #LifelineInternational #Google #Facebook #WorldMentalHealthAndWellnessAwarenessWeek #WorldMentalHealthAndWellnessAwarenessMonth #aasradotinfo "Problems cannot be solved with the mindset that created them" Albert Einstein

Friday, April 3, 2020

#AasraSuicidePreventionWorkshop@ #KodaiKanalInternationalSchool #Kodaikanal Nov 2019

#Youthrise #KodiaInternationalSchool #Kodaikanal #Aasra #JohnsonThomas #Aasradotinfo Nov 2019

At the behest of Alumni members #Youthrise of the Kodiakanal International School Aasra's Director & Chief Trainer #JohnsonThomas was invited to conduct a Suicide Prevention Workshop for the 8th and 9th std students of the residential Institution

Letter of Thanks

Youthrise KIS To:Aasra Helpline Cc:IB Coordinator KIS,Usha Pasupulati,Cireena Navamani,Executive Manager KIS Mon, 11 Nov, 2019 at 12:15 pm Dear Mr Thomas,

We hope this email finds you well.

This is a letter of gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the Youthrise student-organization for your efforts and works in conducting the Mental Health Awareness and Sucide Prevention Workshop earlier this month. We cannot thank you and the AASRA foundation enough, for flying all the way to Kodaikanal from Mumbai on a non-profit basis just to speak to and initiate members of our school community. Although the group you briefed might have been limited, the impact you had was unanimously evident (Below are attached pictures of the workshop). We extend our hand in thanks!


Azzah and Gayatri Youthrise Co-Presidents Kodaikanal International School

Monday, March 30, 2020

#AasraSuicidePreventionWorkshop@#RedHatPune Oct2019

Aasra Director & Chief Trainer #JohnsonThomas conducted a Workshop for Red Hat employees on the topic of #SuicidePrevention on the occasion of #WorldMntalHealthMonth

#Aasradotinfo #RashmiPratap

#AasraDotInfo #WorldSuicidePreventionWeekSept2019 #aasraSuicidePrevention24x7Helpline912227546669 #BefriendersWorldwide #SamaritansUK #IASP #UN #WHO #AFSP #INFOTES #LifelineInternational #Google #Facebook #WorldMentalHealthAndWellnessAwarenessWeek #WorldMentalHealthAndWellnessAwarenessMonth #aasradotinfo "Problems cannot be solved with the mindset that created them" Albert Einstein