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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

“SANKALP FORUM 2013” April 16-18, 2013

April 16-18, 2013
Renaissance Hotel and Convention Centre, Powai, Mumbai 
Sankalp’s Annual Summit is the largest social enterprises focused gathering in the World. In its 5th year, Sankalp has grown truly global with speakers such as:-
 Susanne Dorasil – Susanne Dorasil is Head of the Economic Policy; Financial Sector Division at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development     (BMZ. She is currently serving as German co-facilitator of the G20 development pillar on Private Investment and Job Creation and as German co-chair of the Sub–group on SME Finance of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion.
 Mark Stoleson is Chief Executive Officer of Legatum, and has served with the firm for over 7 years in various capacities including Head of Group Investments.
 Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO, Nonprofit Finance Fund (joins via video conferencing) – Antony Bugg-Levine is the CEO of the Nonprofit Finance Fund. Prior to taking up this position in October, 2011, he was a Managing Director at the Rockefeller Foundation, where he designed and led the Rockefeller Foundation’s Impact Investing initiative.
 WatananPetersik, Director, Lien Centre for Social Innovation; Chair, Ashoka Singapore Advisory Council.
 Afeefa Sayeed, Senior Advisor, USAID – AfeefaSyeed is Senior Advisor at the U.S. Agency for International Development Middle East and Asia Bureaus, where she designs and implements initiatives and training on emerging programs, including engaging traditional and religious leaders and institutions, radicalization, and madrassah enhancement. She works with Washington based and mission staff to define best practices, highlight success stories, develop tools, and frame country strategies to bring expertise in engaging with the cultural contexts.

Paul Basil: Founder & CEO, Villgro- Paul also has contributed to building the social enterprise eco-system in India, through  Unconvention, Wantrapreneur, Villgro and  championing the ANDE Chapter (Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs).
Other names this year at Sankalp include –
Thomas Davenport, Director, South Asia, International Finance Corporation (IFC),Jerry Ng, President Director, BTPN and other stakeholders.
 Vineet Rai, Founder Aavishkaar and IntellecapAnurag Agarwal, CEO Intellecap and Aparajita Agarwal, Head Initiatives at Intellecap will facilitate the Sankalp Awards, Villgro Awards, DFID women recognition awards and the Global Cookstove alliance awards for clean cooking.
 Over the last 4 years, Sankalp has recognized & rewarded social enterprises across the length and breadth of the country. Sankalp will engage over 11,000 stakeholders globally which includes:-Social Enterprises, Impact & Mainstream Investors, Policymakers to encourage innovation and Enablers, who are part of the ecosystem.
 This year however, the theme is looking - beyond impact, seeking transformational change through plenary sessions and world café formats.
 A major highlight on the 16th of April, 2013 is G20 inclusive business workshop to promote learning & exchange. 


Sankalp Forum's Two Day Blogathon

The  Two Day Blogathon at Sankalp Unconvention Summit 2013.Aims to seed thought, dialogue and raise pertinent points of discussion, via the worlds most powerful medium "content".

The person with the most hits on Sankalp will be get the opportunity to Contribute to a cause of their choice - A cash grant of Rs 50,000.

We will provide you with introductory write-ups about Sankalp as reference material.∙       

To make the Blogathon more exciting,all speakers will be requested to drop by at the Blogathon desk before they leave.

Friday, April 5, 2013

1st to 7th April Blindness Prevention Week- Aasra Poster

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that more than 80% of blindness and visual impairment is either preventable or treatable, while saving one’s sight could be as simple as getting an eye test.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Aasra Workshop onf Suicide Awareness and Stress Managemeent for Blind Graduates Forum

Aasra Workshop onf Suicide Awareness & Stress Managemeent for Blind Graduates Forum  conducted in Feb 2013 at Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan by Johnson Thomas   & assisted by Shivanand M  in Feb 2013

Greetings from Blind Graduates' Forum of India.
 In February, we had a two-part session.  The first was by an NGO, AASRA,  on ‘Simple ways to Cope’. An interactive talk on handling stress, managing depression and suicidal tendencies. You can download and listen to it from the link below: